wow!!!! never before have I saw such a moving performance,sometimes bringing me to tears.I will be back next year for sure,greatest most colorful show I have ever saw...thanks for comming to eugene!!!
john gunnip ראו את השן יון ב Eugene (Hult Center), February 2012
חתום בספר האורחים
Had a delightful time at last night's performance in Vancouver. Loved the music, the background, the costumes, the stories behind the dances and of copurse the dancers themselves who were phenomenal! Thanks for sharing your culture with the world.Darlene Foster ראו את השן יון ב Vancouver (Queen Elizabeth Theatre), February 2012
We brought our little girl, age five to expeience your show and we got more then we expected. this show is amazing and worth the cost of tickets. Our daughter is adopted and part Chinese and we felt this was a wonderful culture experience for her. She was delighted and thrilled with your show. Thanks you for your dedication to your culture and dancing.Tacy ראו את השן יון ב Eugene (Hult Center), February 2012
ilike itdeki, February 2012
it was so beautiful and was full of learning, and new meanings. it was very inspirational,and it changed my thinking to a better viewAndre Seymour ראו את השן יון ב Augusta (William B. Bell Auditorium), February 2012
hi. shen yunaboalfazlyousefi, February 2012
Greatly enjoyed the performance in Phoenix. Looked for but could not find DVD of of show in lobby. Would be an addition for enjoying Shen Yun again at homeJack Johnston ראו את השן יון ב Tempe (ASU Gammage), January 2012
What a fanstic performance, I danced ballet with a local company and the Nutcracker and La Fille Mal Garde with San Francisco ballet in the 70's,but the dancing,visuals and the orchestra, only thing i can say is WOW!!!!Chris Robinson ראו את השן יון ב Tempe (ASU Gammage), January 2012
This afternoons' performance at the ASU Gammage was spectaculor, a rare delight.Susan Rock ראו את השן יון ב Tempe (ASU Gammage), January 2012