As part of our overall online upgrade, we just finished updating our mobile version. You will find this new interface combines easier navigation along with the desktop web-design look and feel.
It’s now also easier than ever to buy tickets on-the-go. On a bus, a train, a light-rail, or a boat; in a cafe, an airport, an elevator, or a moat—Shen Yun is just a click away.
Based on your IP address, the mobile site will recommend a show near you. Partnering with Ticketingbox and using their app for check out, we’ve simplified the process to just a few easy steps.
And, synching our show pages with Google
Maps, you can immediately get directions to the theater from where you are.
These are just a few of the fun new features. So grab your smartphone and check
it out or, even, “check out” at: shenyun.com/m
Of course, please don’t click and drive.
29. נובמבר 2012